About Our Playbook
The Inclusion Playbook combines expertise in sports, social justice, and policy to drive change within athletic organizations—and society at large. Our services are tailored to meet the specific needs of those organizations, emphasizing three core focus areas: racial justice, gender equity, and LGBTQ+ inclusion.
What sets us apart?
We are former athletes and sports professionals with policy backgrounds. We have spent more than a decade cultivating relationships with social justice leaders and community advocates in sports and beyond.
Why sports?
The issues that arise in sports spaces are the same ones that we experience in our workplaces, families, and larger communities. Sports offer an opportunity to talk about these issues and take concrete steps to create change. The platforms that athletes and other sports leaders have can be used to advance equity and inclusion, ultimately making all of our communities stronger.
The relationship between sports and social justice is rapidly changing. We provide the playbook for clients at every level of sport to remain engaged and leverage their resources for maximum impact.